Superintendent UpdateJuly 15, 2020
Dear Viking Family,
As you may already know, Austin Public Health issued an order to all independent districts and private schools operating in Travis County to delay the reopening of campus face-to-face instruction until after Monday, September 7, 2020. This order includes suspending all athletics and extracurricular activities. However, according to the order, remote instruction shall be permitted as per a school district’s plan. As a result of this order, we will begin the 2020-2021 school year on Thursday, August 13th with remote learning at home for all students.
Clearly, the local public health circumstances are changing rapidly. We are in the process of determining how this new order might affect the return to face-to-face instruction for Lago Vista ISD. Our administrative team is shifting gears to finalize a remote instructional model for all students to start the school year. I can assure you that we are much better prepared to make this shift than we were in March. We have a great staff and I am confident that we will meet this challenge and provide the very best instructional experience possible to the students of Lago Vista ISD.
Although it will clearly be delayed until after September 7th, we are still working to finalize the plan for our return to face-to-face instruction. As previously mentioned, TEA guidance allows Lago Vista ISD to offer families two options for the upcoming school year: fully face-to-face classroom learning or fully remote at-home learning. I am including a link to the draft of our plan so that parents may use it to help inform their decision of the best instructional model for their student. Please understand that as guidance and regulations change, so will this plan.
Instructional & Operational Protocols for Protecting the Health of Students and Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic
After reviewing the options, parents will complete the election form to select either fully face-to-face or fully remote instruction. Election forms will be available in Ascender Parent Portal beginning next week. For more information on setting up your Parent Portal account, please visit Ascender Parent Portal.
Please know that decisions for the new school year are guided by the highest concern and care for staff and student safety, as well as providing the best learning experiences and environments possible. We will continue to operate within the guidelines and requirements mandated by Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Education Agency, and Austin Public Health, taking all precautions available to us to operate schools safely and effectively. Without a doubt, this is a constantly evolving process, and we will continue to update you as quickly as possible.
We understand that these changes bring frustration. I continue to be incredibly grateful for your continued patience, understanding, and flexibility during this time.
Darren Webb
Lago Vista ISD