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Academics & Student Services

"Vikings Row Together" Program


Lago Vista ISD strives to create structures at all levels that maximize the potential of all students through rigorous curriculum and instruction. A commitment to early childhood education is critical in strengthening the foundation for future successes of our students. As a part of this commitment, the District has three Pre-K pathways: State-Funded Pre-K, Early Childhood Special Education, and our “Vikings Row Together” tuition-based, full-day Pre-K program.

Lago Vista ISD offers three Pre-K pathways:

  1. State-Funded Pre-K: Students in this pathway are age 4 by September 1st and meet at least one of the state’s Pre-K eligibility criteria. State-funded Pre-K is provided at no cost to eligible students.
  2. Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): Students in this pathway are ages 3-5, identified with a disability, and demonstrate a need for special education. If you believe your child may be eligible to attend the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program at no cost, please contact the Lago Vista ISD Special Education Director.
  3. “Vikings Row Together” (VRT) Tuition-Based Pre-K: Students in this pathway are age 4 by September 1st, are not eligible for State-funded Pre-K or ECSE, and submit an application to participate as a tuition-based student. VRT students serve as peer models in the ECSE classroom for students with disabilities while receiving instruction based on the TEA Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines.

"Vikings Row Together” Program 

The purpose of the “Vikings Row Together”, or VRT, program is to partner with our Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program to provide age-appropriate learning experiences for students in both programs. Students from the VRT program and the ECSE program are served in the same classroom, which provides a diverse, accepting environment where students serve as role models for one another. This blended model provides a highly-impactful setting for student learning for both VRT and ECSE students.

In the VRT program, our tuition-based students learn in an environment where they serve as peer models for students with disabilities while receiving instruction based on the TEA Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines. The role of a VRT student is to be a role model for the ECSE students by modeling age appropriate communication, social, and self-help skills.

Who can apply for enrollment in the “Vikings Row Together” Tuition-Based Pre-K Program?
The opportunity to apply for this program is open to parents with a child who meets the following criteria:

  • Will be four (4) years old by September 1st;
  • Resides within the Lago Vista ISD attendance boundaries; 
  • Does not meet the eligibility requirements to enroll in the State-funded Pre-K or ECSE programs; AND
  • Is toilet trained.

For more information on the VRT Tuition-Based Pre-K Program, please review the documents below.  To learn more about eligibility for State-funded (tuition-free) Pre-K, please visit our Registration Information page.

Questions?Contact Kerri Walker at or Dr. Suzy Lofton-Bullis at

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