In August 2020, Lago Vista ISD Board of Trustees called for a bond election with 3 different propositions (A, B, and C). The bond proposals were developed and recommended by the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC), a diverse group of LVISD parents, staff, local citizens, and community leaders. The committee was tasked with studying and prioritizing the district needs and spent the next few months touring every facility, reviewing facility and equipment needs, looking at potential solutions & costs and surveying the community. After months of meetings, the LRPC made a recommendation to the Board to call for a Bond Election.
In November 2020, LVISD voters approved Propositions A.
Proposition A ($44,330,000) includes updates to safety and security, student enrollment growth, aging facilities and academic program needs.
Proposition B (New transportation center/bus barn) and Proposition C (Stadium and Field House improvements) were not approved by voters.