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20801 FM 1431  |  Lago Vista, TX 78645  |  Phone: (512) 267-8300 then "4"  |  Fax: (512) 267-8363

Free and Reduced Meals

All families are encouraged to fill out the Free and Reduced-Price Meals applications through MySchoolApps. You may not qualify for it, but you could be eligible for other assistance.

Fill out the Free & Reduced meal application online this year at MySchoolApps. Click the appropriate link below to complete the application online.

Prices / Times

  Breakfast: $2.10
  Lunch: $3.40

   Breakfast: $2.67
   Lunch: $4.79

  • 7:15am-7:40am
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade
Paying for Lunches
My School Bucks logo (jpg) mySchoolBucks is an online payment service to manage your student's meal account. You can securely fund your student's account via credit card, debit card or your checking account. You will be able to review purchases, see current balance, and receive low balance alerts. The account options are flexible - make a one payment, set up recurring payment, or set a payment schedule when the account reaches a specified amount.

First, create an account on mySchoolBucks and add your students. If you have multiple children, you can make multiple deposits for each child during your transaction. Next, make a payment. The deposit amount can be placed against a credit card, debit card or your checking account. All payments are securely processed using our highly secure website and encryption. All payments are quickly credited to your students account.

If you have any questions or problems, you may contact the Director of Food Services at 267-8300 x1516.


School Menus just got easier for you to view. Aramark School Services is excited to share our new online menu platform “Nutrislice”. Nutrislice is now active and available to view here or by downloading the app to your mobile device through your device’s app store. This new service will give parents/guardians quick access to not only the daily, weekly, and monthly menus, it will include nutritional facts as well as top food allergens. You will also have the option to print a copy of the menu.
Select the Nutrislice icon to get started.

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